When I was back in Canada this summer, I had a bunch of people ask me if there was any resources I’d recommend for them and their churches, so they could go after the same things we’re going after here overseas.
I gave some people recommendations in person, but I also wanted to gather a few of my favorites together to be able to share them with anyone else that might be able to make use of them.
I’ll aim to keep this updated with more resources for you and your churches as I come across them.
Zúme – zumeproject.com
This is a training I wish every North American Christian could take.
Zúme is a free, online, small-group/bible-study friendly version of an in-person training that all our new workers take when they get out to the field. Basically, the training teaches you (and your small-group, church, or whoever wants to join), how to see your day-to-day life as opportunities to cultivate multiplying discipleship groups. (If you’ve heard of us talk about DMM – Disciple Making Movements – at any point, this is much the same vision.)
I’ve had the conviction for years that a “church” isn’t a building. It’s wherever and whenever Jesus-followers gather together to learn to better follow Jesus, in community with Him and His people. Zúme provides a foundation for equipping you and those in your group to see any place or situation as places where “church” can happen and be cultivated. The vision is to see small, multiplying groups of believers discovering things about Jesus through reading scripture, obeying the commands of Jesus, sharing what they’re learning with people in their circles.
It doesn’t require massive buildings and a full-time staff to produce a vibrant and fruitful discipleship ministry. It can happen anywhere – in schools, workplaces, or in refugee camps.
Zúme seeks to equip you and your circles to see that happen.
One of the best parts: the course is free!
Kairos – www.kairoscourse.org
(or in Canada, https://kairos.outreach.ca/)
Kairos is another course that I wish every church in North America could take and host. It was actually a requirement from my organization that I take the course before coming to the Middle East.
It’s a crash course in God’s heart for the nations, the Great Commission, cross cultural ministry, and the task that is still before us in seeing every nation, tribe, and tongue encounter Jesus.
There’s courses being taught all over the world (we’re trying to get it available to Iranians right now), and the coordinators would love to organize a training with your church or in your community.