Normal – Adj. Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, or type.
Sonship – N. The relationship of a son to his Father; the state of being that Father’s child.
What does it mean to be a “normal” child of God?
What does it mean to walk in relationship with the one who both created the world and sent His Son to redeem it?
Jesus patterned sonship perfectly. He never did anything that wasn’t part of His Father’s will. And what did His life consist of?
Luke 4:18-19 describes it well: walking with Holy Spirit, proclaiming good news to the poor, freedom to prisoners, healing to those with physical problems, setting the oppressed free, and proclaiming God’s grace.
Jesus told His disciples that the same things He did, we’re supposed to do now.
So, it goes to reason that our relationships as children of God should look similar.
Here’s a few stories to get you started:

On this site you’ll read stories from different countries and continents about what it looks like when God touches people’s lives, and invades by His love. You’ll read stories of what it looks like to walk in relationship with Holy Spirit, of poor people hearing good news, of people getting healed physically, and of people being brought out of oppression; but you’ll also read stories about the darkness of the world, and our responsibility to address that darkness with the Light we’ve been given.
All the stories you read are true, though names will often be changed to protect those involved.
I hope this site encourages you to live more than average, but instead pushes to walk out a life like Jesus: a life of Normal Sonship.